About Us
Our Team
We are a musical family passionate about positively contributing to the lives of others through our music.
Ibolya Levay
Research and Development
Ibolya studied singing and Musicology at the Philosophical Faculty in Ljubljana / Slovenia. For many years she taught singing and music theory. She studied naturopathy at the German Paracelsus Schools in Munich.
Tibor Levay
Tibor studied composition at the Music Academy in Budapest/Hungary. Over 30 years experience in the composition of international film music for movies and TV. Since 1988 he was intensively concerned with music for babies.
Rafael Levay
Brand & Marketing Manager
Rafael studied brand and marketing at Vega in South Africa. He also composes music with his family, and currently is involved in bringing the Baby Series and Premie Music Therapy to families in need.
Music to support your baby.
Our Objective
Tibor Levay, renowned as a pioneer of composing “Baby Music”,
and Dr. Albinca Pesek a musicologist.
How was the "Grand Master-Pieces for Small Ears" composed?
In the world’s classical music you will find a serious number of masterpieces that babies love. From more than 2000 masterpieces we selected only the very best ones, and rearranged them to suit the sensitive ears of babies. In cooperation with Dr. Albinca Pesek. She studied the phycology of how music influences babies feeling and their brain development.
Mozart, Beethoven etc, did not compose their music with babies in mind. They were leaps of imagination. That is why they create an expression of intellectual richness and freedom. We must remember that for babies this flood of sensory information is too rich, too complex, and to dynamic in range, and sometimes even frightening.
• Certain passages in the compositions were “edited out” to create a more gentle flow through the different themes, to ensure the childs sleep is uninterrupted.
How the Baby Music series led to the creation for a music therapy for premature babies...
Tibor Levay, composer and producer, is well known for many years and his CD series for babies “Grand Master Pieces for Small Ears“. His CD series was one of the first in this field. Approximately more than 340,000 mothers had very positive experiences with this specific baby music.
Following the publication of this series, many music therapists, specialists in the field of Baby Music, personally contacted him.
They tested his music in the hospitals and used it with great success. Because it gives people a relaxing atmosphere at hospital and at home within the whole family.
So far he received much praise for these music albums accompanied with a huge number of emails and grateful letters.
Because of that, he was asked to compose for the needs of premature babies too, whose needs are quite different.
In cooperation with neonatologists, Tibor Levay composed a 42 minutes long innovative music therapy specifically created for premature babies. After 3 years of intensive work the music therapy was tested in Neonatal Wards. With a tremendous success that no one had expected. Prof. Dr. Christoph Vogtmann –one of the most of decorated neonatologists in Europe – was in charge of the Neonatal ward Leipzig. Under his supervision were the tests and research conducted. Even he was extremely surprised of the positive results based on this natural therapy. Several studies have been conducted in hospitals, not only by him, but also by the young generation of doctors and music therapists.
In 2003, Tibor Levay was invited to the 1st World Congress of Music and Medicine in Hamburg, where he was the only one to present in the category of “music for premature baby’s”, to an audience of 2300 doctors and nurses.
Meanwhile, his music is also used overseas with great success in hospitals and individuals who use these albums, from Dubai to Germany…